Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hey, guys.  I did it.  I just finished my layer of adding the guy's side of complaints to the story.  I still think it is a little flat.  I mean it's all been said before.  But this is just the way you do it.  Layer by layer without editing.  It's coming along.

My next layer is to add the comedy.  I really, really have to be in the highest of spirits for this layer so, I will be starting sometime this week when it is natural with an hour or two of work on it everyday.  If you remember the original P&P, there is a lot of comedy just from the narcissistic mother and the bratty sisters.  But, for my story, it needs a lot more punch.  This is actually the fun part of writing.  I will be listening to a lot of crazy fun 50s music and possibly some cartoons to stay in the mood.  I do live around family and a you know how that goes.  One negative word and BOOM!  Makes writing this personal.  Anyway, thanks for checking back.  I probably won't be back for a week and a half.  The comedy portion is going to be very important, as Jane Austen did so well lifting a regular comedy above the rest with her comedic characters I have to do the girl justice.

See you later, Girls and Guys.

Denise Rochelle M.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I will start posting some more cool topics once there is more interest in the blog and questions.  Right now, I am still rewriting layer by layer.  I am about to start my fourth re-write focusing more on the comedy and the funny part of the prejudice black men have of black women. 

Give me a shout out anywhere about anything.  I'm in no rush.  Looking to have a final draft by end of December.